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A Manager’s Primer on e-NetworkingAn Introduction to Enterprise Networking in e-Business ACID Environment【電子書籍】[ Dragan Nikolik ]

A Manager’s Primer on e-NetworkingAn Introduction to Enterprise Networking in e-Business ACID Environment【電子書籍】[ Dragan Nikolik ] A Manager’s Primer on e-NetworkingAn Introduction to Enterprise Networking in e-Business ACID Environment【電子書籍】[ Dragan Nikolik ] A Manager’s Primer on e-NetworkingAn Introduction to Enterprise Networking in e-Business ACID Environment【電子書籍】[ Dragan Nikolik ]

<p>The implementation of Enterprise Networks or e-Networking is of paramount importance for organisations. Enterprise-wide networking would warrant that the components of information architecture are organised to harness more out of the organisation's computing power on the desktop. This would also involve establishment of networks that link the various but important subsystems of the enterprise. Our firm belief is that in order to gain a competitive edge the organisations need knowledge and sound strategy. This conviction is particularly true today, considering the pressures from international competition, environmental concerns and complicated ethical issues. This book, entitled A Manager's Primer on e-Networking, negotiates the hyper dimensions of the Internet through stories from myriad of Web sites with its fluent presentation and simple but chronological organisation of topics highlighting numerous opportunities and providing a solid starting point not only for inexperienced entrepreneurs and managers but anyone interested in applying information technology in the business. I sincerely hope the book will help as well many small and medium size companies and organisations to launch corporate networking successfully in order to attain their strategic objectives. Rajiv Jayashankar, Ph. D.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:9,814円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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