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A Primer On Word Twitchery【電子書籍】[ Thomas P. Hanna ]

A Primer On Word Twitchery【電子書籍】[ Thomas P. Hanna ] A Primer On Word Twitchery【電子書籍】[ Thomas P. Hanna ] A Primer On Word Twitchery【電子書籍】[ Thomas P. Hanna ]

<p>Revelations about slews of huckster and vast armies of foreign and domestic hackers out to use our inattention, prejudices, and ignorance of the facts to manipulate and sucker us appropriately angers and frustrates us.<br /> If you read a newspaper or magazines, have a radio, a TV, or a computer or even just get mail you are regularly bombarded with selling, begging, and opinion shaping ads. If you go online the frequency and range of the manipulative messages multiplies since people from all over the globe can quickly and cheaply pitch to you.<br /> There is a general way to minimize that though since none of it works unless you are persuaded to act by voting specific ways or buying certain products. This book aims to make you more aware of the tools of the manipulators tso help you better defend yourself from their messages.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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